Wool Rugs: To Use It To The Fullest

Posted: Thursday, May 20, 2010 by famela oreo in Labels:

If you want natural decoration for your house, there nothing more appropriate than having wool rugs in your flooring. Wool braided rugs earn great points for being environmental friendly since it comes from sheep that is often made in New Zealand, China and India. Wool is biodegradable, so it is very favorable to our nature thus it is the reason why natural rugs are become more popular this days because of the awareness in environment.

Wool maintains its appearance for longer that other fabrics; its high moisture content makes it naturally flame retardant; it is highly resistant to soil, making it easier to clean. Wool rugs absorb up to thirty percent of its own water weight, which helps control humidity in the home by sucking up vapor in the air.

Since wool like as woven area rugs they are durable and you don’t need to bother even if you have in mind to put this in high traffic areas of a home. It’s non-toxic and non-allergenic and that is the reason you don’t need to bother if you have a children in your house. Wool rugs offer more choices in construction, from hand-woven to hand-tufted to hand-finished. Wool retains the same beautiful look and feel for a longer period of time.


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