Pros and Cons of using a Flash

Posted: Monday, January 25, 2010 by famela oreo in Labels: ,

In considering the purpose of your web site may it will tend to attract the visitor using artistic or visual effects in which you can long an advice from design/arts Company, in using flash.

But if you are developing a web site for getting more potential customers using Search Engine Optimization techniques, then it is recommended to minimize you website from using flash.

Flash is not belonging to be a search engine friendly. Hence, a flash-based web site may not get the position well in the search engine results. It is important to consider that search engines like simple and quick to follow web pages, and not to stick in difficulty to navigate the web site.

It is usual to visitors are not interested in reading something passively. Consider to your design that most visitors spend less than 30 seconds on a web site. You are responsible to offer the visitor what she/he is looking for in the shortest possible time. You can use a good navigation system, and few numbers of clicks to reach the intended product or service.

A flash movie becomes face-out after a few months time. It is needed to update a Flash web site regularly. It is more time consuming and expensive to update and maintain a Flash web site than a traditional web site.

Let’s think about other tools, what about php or cgi based website? The web sites based on cgi or php are being indexed by most search engines, especially Google. And it most used by more web designer now a days.
If is very important to impress the web site visitor with a visual animation, using a flash is inevitable nevertheless a flash-free based websites are more visibility on the web through search engine.


Hi! Im Fam, I'm willing to hear you out.