I'm not fan of PR (page rank)

Posted: Thursday, January 21, 2010 by famela oreo in Labels: ,

Many people judge a person through its physical appearance just like blogs and website. Great website comes from great PR? duh! I don't think so. PR is just like a medal we earn from school hence PR is from Google. PR don't affect to much high with your ranking in search engine. I have witness some website in Rocreh Web Design ranked on top without a high PR. I think PR zero is enough to win the game or any ranking contest regarding in search engine contest.

That's why in Rocreh Web Design contest I preferred to send a entry of my PR 0 and PR N/A blog just to be a example of a great site without high PR. PR update generate in almost 3 months of good link and original content. In this case I can see PR is important. PR N/A is considering a new blog or a banned blog/website.

I'm not really fan of PR. I've heard from my master that google search engine deny the advantage of having a high PR. And base on my experience I agree with him because many websites and blogs get a desirable position in just PR 1. I will consider backlinks than PR. Like I must go with attitude that physical.

Next time we will tackle about backlinks and the effect of this in optimization.


Hi! Im Fam, I'm willing to hear you out.