Sikat ang Pinoy and Rocreh Web Design Upadate

Posted: Tuesday, February 9, 2010 by famela oreo in Labels: , ,

After of wasting time of waiting on how mighty G. shuffle the result of this following days at last with don't have the favorable position. Since we need and we required for 4 more days to hurl up the result of the search engine. Maybe I need more effort to support Sikat ang Pinoy till the end of the game. Thus we need a thousand links that yet to conquer all the entry of sikat and pinoy. But what is bother me is the ending of Rocreh Web Design that tend to get the checkpoint on February 16 after a day of Sikat ang Pinoy.

In Rocreh web design some of my blogs there were supporting Sikat ang Pinoy I try to convince myself to put a link for the sikat ang pinoy. Then I spent a couples of weeks without any link added to Rocreh Web Design but to Sikat ang Pinoy. I was hoped for a good result after I calculate my links that I used to added last week comes to 2k. But mighty G. seems gotten slower this few weeks with a update for a 3 to 5 days before the new result comes. In Rocreh Web Design also thats why I need to make a links before a weeks. I hope all my links will count till the checkpoint and also this link will make us to the top. How I wished.

Win or Lose, I learned to much in SEO with my first contest I used to cover up. On the first place I made a wrong move but because of the guide of Sir Bleuken He made me realize that links is not only to consider to get high rank. That's the greatest learning in me about the SEO. May the mighty G. be with us! in Rocreh Web Design and Sikat ang Pinoy.


Hi! Im Fam, I'm willing to hear you out.